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Palmi Island, the Victorious Light of the Incheon Landing Operation

ygeneration | 2022.09.16 00:30 | 조회 158
일시 년 월 일
회비 유로
담당자 류호진
연락처 010 - 5179 - 8550
The “Incheon Landing Operation (Operation Chromite)” was the best move that turned the tables on the helpless battlefield.
It was a large-scale operation involving 75,000 men and 261 battleships of allied forces from eight countries. It was a perfect tactical victory that will last forever in war history.

The light of the victory came from the Palmi Island Lighthouse.
Countless veterans on the battleships, following the light through the raging sea.
Their noble sacrifices made the impossible operation possible.

The hidden heroes of the Incheon Landing Operation made the Republic of Korea today.
We shall remember their dedication and sacrifice.

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